Archiwum 12 listopada 2002

lis 12 2002 zbędna aktualizacja bloga
Komentarze: 8
Boli mnie brzuch. Bardzo. Boli mnie wszystko od gardła po jelita. Bola mnie jajniki. Boli mnie to i tamto i cos jeszcze.... Chociaz juz nie mdleje. I kolor mojej twarzy tez nie wpada juz tak bardzo w zielen. Cholera no! Nie powiem nic nowego: w takich chwilach chce byc facetem!


1984 : :
lis 12 2002 lack of appropriate word
Komentarze: 8

The thing which is presently placed in my stomach is referred to as a drilling feeling. How am I supposed to go off to sleep now? I was afraid, angry with myself, not exactly sure what to do... to make sure... but know I'm convinced that currently there is no other person on the Earth that is more entranced and more happy and more grateful than I am. No words. Always not enough. Fortunately!

Goddness/ beautiful/ charming/ amazing/ superb/ outstanding/ fabulous/ bright/ clever/ wise Gleam KOCHANA

dear/ crazy/ amazing/ amiable/ gentle/ original/ tender/ winsome/ "misiowato-ptyszowaty"____

1984 : :